Using Tailwind CSS with Rails
Rails 8 Authentication
How ActiveSupport Concerns Work in Rails
Upgrading Rails, Gemfile, Bundler, RubyGems
Active Record Query Methods and Peformance
Using Redis CLI and Caching in Development
Rails Performance: How to Use rack-mini-profiler Tool
Tips: spacer_template, find and find_by, ruby pattern matching
How I Use Action Mailbox to Email Myself Book Notes
When to use Turbo 8 Page Refresh
How To Squash Commits in Git
Building infinite scroll with Turbo Frames and Lazy Loading
Filtering Data Tables with Turbo Frame and Stimulus
What are procs and lambdas in Ruby
How to build responsive search with Turbo Frames and Stimulus
How to embed Active Record models in Action Text
How and when to break out of a Turbo Frame?
How did we go from AJAX to Turbolinks to Hotwire? A brief web history
What is StimulusJS?
How do `*`, `**`, `&` work in method signatures? Also keyword arguments
What is alpine.js and how does it compare to stimulus.js?
What is HTMX?
Dynamically updating method definitions in Ruby: `send`, `define_method` and more!
What is the value of 'self' in different contexts?
What are class instance variables in Ruby?
What is a singleton class in Ruby?
Include vs. Extend, what's the difference?
What is method_missing? Examples of metaprogramming in Rails ActiveSupport
Does using freeze prevent changing the value of ruby constants?
How do constants work in Ruby?
How do Ruby objects and instance variables work?
How do attr_accessor and attr_reader work?
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